Friday, September 15, 2006


Posted on on July 10, 2006

"If you dont send this to 7 people....face badluck for 7 years!"
uggghh...another one of those emails and iwill smash my laptop!!!
On second thoughts, why smash MY laptop?!!

I just wish there was some way of stopping these silly chain emails - especially when half the world sends them out with the name of Allah (SWT), the Holy Prophet (SAWW) and the Ma'sumeen (AS)....i mean, do they even realise that the Most Merciful Lord, who has ordained us to perform beautiful and blessed acts like the Salaat, sawm and hajj - would limit to punishing us to years and years of bad luck because we dont send out an email to other people?

I think this is a sad way to do tableegh - if even it IS a means of tableegh (spreading the message)....and i dont understand what message are the 'originators' of these sort of emails, trying to portray about Islam?
All it's doing is scaring people from the wrath of Allah (SWT) by not sending an email - rather than having them fear the wrath of Allah (SWT) for the sins we commit everyday....

Indulging us into superstitions that dont even make sense - who else can the originator of these sort of schemes be? Satan...ofcourse! the over efficient and workaholic SHAITAANN....working 24/7 to weaken our eemaan with such trivial things..
At the back of our heads, we know its him.. and we know that these emails - whether or not we send them out, will not cause any harm or good........but how easily those words scare us 'If you dont send this will face.....' etc etc - or how easily those words tempt us when we read 'send it to 7 people and you will hear good news'....etc etc...

alas; Man has to wake up to realise the worth of his acts and their consequences...which are definitely not destined by silly emails!!!

Posted by Sadaf Zahra on at 8:07 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% - good job

12:21 AM  

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