Monday, September 25, 2006

Your Blank cheque to Jannah

Alhamdulillah (Thanks to the Almighty SWT) that we have once again been blessed enough to gain the benefits of the Holy Month of Ramadhan...

Ramadhan: the month of fasting; the month in which Shaitaan is chained and the doors of Hell are shut..the Utmost Mercy of Allah (SWT) is being showered on His believers, and the month in which we can revise our goals and set back our resolutions...The month in which the Holy Qur'an was revealed; the month when our fates are re-written (during the nights of Qadr);

the month in which we actually make an effort to visit the Mosque more often than the usual; the month in which the Holy Qur'an is honored and recited with more enthusiasm than any other month throughout the year; the month in which we keep away from all the sins we can as compared to any other time in the whole year; the month in which we try to do as much goodness as we can....

the month in which every penny of charity, every salaat, every ayah of qur'an recited has seventy-folds thawaab compared to performing the same in any other month because this month is dedicated and is in honor of the Muslim Ummah (just as Rajab is the month of Allah and Shaa'baan the month of the Holy Prophet - Ramadhan is the month of the Muslim Creed).

the list of the blessings and benefits of this Blessed month can run through pages and pages.......
and these are the things we always keep hearing and learning about the month of Ramadhan.

These are the wonderful things that make us say to each other 'Ramadhan kareem!' and 'Ramadhan mubaarak'! because, really - this is a month to really rejoice Allah's unending Mercy.

However, my opinion is that we are entitled to wish each other 'Ramadhan mubaarak' only when we know we will make it worth rejoicing. By this i mean, making the best out of the acts that Allah has prescribed for us as Muslims - to start afresh by repenting with the faith that Allah SWT will truly forgive us for our past mistakes, and thus revise our goals in life and set our resolutions to follow what He wants us to follow - starting from Ramadhan.

You see, its mere hypocrisy to listen to music, to miss your prayers or maybe not even say them at all, to indulge in haraam activities all year around and then just quit during ramadhan - in respect for the Holiness of the month.

What will really make your fasts - which is the sign of your submission to Allah SWT - really worth it and acceptable is, yours continuing to be a good Muslim even after Ramadhan gets over.

Allah (SWT) is the Creator of all beings and thus He knows best our natures and the way we function. That is why, He has obliged us to fast a whole 30 days in the year, continuously - knowing that it will make our systems used to the 'submissiveness' - our hearts and souls would open to accept spirituality, and keep us away from the haraam things for 30 whole days, thus helping us build our will power to continue to do so from then on.

If we havn't been able to achieve this, then Ramadhan was rather a month of Feasting for us than fasting.. because all we have done is starved ourselves during the day, and feasted at nights on high caloric food..

Ramadhan is really the month in which we can clear our past records of sins and exchange them with good after having cleared your accounts, why would you want to marr them with sins again after the month gets over?

Let's try to make this Ramadhan 'mubaarak' for each other in its truest sense..and let's make the most of the Season of fasting - not only by starving ourselves, but by understanding the true reason for fasting for the pleasure of Allah SWT: which is, to build our resistance and curb our desires for the Worldly things that He has prohibited us to do..

Inshallah, may we all succeed in doing so..may this Ramadhan be our blank cheque to jannah - endorsed by Allah SWT for limitless Bounties and Blessings to last us our whole lives - INSHALLAH!

Do remember me in du'as - and do pray for the acceptance of my aa'maals
S x Zahra


Blogger Floo said...

Ramadhan Kareeeem, Sadaf Aapa!
May Allah accept all your prayers in this blessed month, InshaAllah!

are we still gonna have the Quran Kwaani??

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have to section this month as the time out of the so called calender year to try to excel and purposely go out of the way to accomplish the task. From my understanding, what is being preached here, by your message, is that we apply more in this month and take a more leaned back attitude the rest of the time as we see the returns for applying this during this month being greater than any other month. If the faith is strong, then the same amount of dedication should be applied year round.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or it might be a satirical message and im reading it all wrong - This brain does not agree with its own justification. Geez.

11:15 AM  
Blogger *s...z* said...

We always need a reason or opportunity to get us started.. Allah SWT has kept this whole month as a 'rehearsal' period: for us to resist our natural insticts of hunger, lust and other satanic desires.

And like all the things we continuously perform for over 30 to 40 days, incorporates as a habit (IF we choose to adopt it, understanding the benefits of picking up on such traits)

Ramadhan is like the stepping stone for us to rejuvinate our souls, and reinforce our vows with Allah SWT - so we can further be able to apply our Religious ideology in practice all year through, Inshallah

With the Divine Mercy of Allah SWT being showered endlessly this month, may we all succeed!!

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listing Hunger as a "Satanic Desire" is erroneous. Its like saying Do, but only do so much - There is no line in between that segments what is to be done and what is not. These grey areas confuse my meagre understanding.

I think your title needs restructuring - maybe it should read "Practice what you preach - Practice makes perfect".

2:44 AM  
Blogger *s...z* said...

Ibrahim N.Abu Sharif wrote an article on 4th Oct 2005 - his concluding remarks were just the perfect words to answer your question:
I remember a conversation with a zoology professor of mine during my undergraduate days. He said that it is unlikely that creatures deep in the sea have any kind of awareness of what it means to be wet, not even an awareness commensurate to primitive brains. But the irony is not restricted to fish: the greater the immersion the less aware we become of it. There is an observation generally agreed upon among religious folk, that there is indeed an immersion in the fleeting realm, and it's nearly impossible to escape it without help. It is before our senses, from billboards to broadcasts. And after a while, we're disabled from even noticing. Ramadan is help, a knock on a door, an invitation to walk out of the cave.

5:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True - I concur


7:08 AM  

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