Wednesday, October 11, 2006

1,000 reasons to wonder..(Part 1)

“The night of Qadr is better than a 1,000 months!”

I have always recited it as part of Surah Al Qadr; understood it and valued it whenever I pondered on the Surah . This is usually around Ramadan time, since the Laylatul Qadr nights are a significant part of this holy month; and I’m sure everyone looks forward to it. Who wouldn’t?

This night has such a grand status that even the Holy Prophet (SAWW) has said “Allah SWT has favored Friday over all days; the month of Ramadan over all months, and the night of Qadr over all nights”

We have so much to avail from these nights; on this occasion, we might want to read through and reflect upon the verses of Surah Al Qadr which clearly mention the annual affair and how it takes place.

I would like to share some things that I discovered as part of my research regarding the Grand status of this night, so that Inshallah, we may be able to avail the best out of it.

(1) QADR is the root word of ‘Taqdeer’ meaning Destiny. Indeed, this is the night of Power when Allah (SWT) re-writes our fate and destiny. Every good deed performed this night is better than those which are performed for a 1,000 months! (Laylatul Qadri khairum min alfee shahrin!) Imagine, how fascinating it is to account for ourselves, such multiple good deeds – and that too working towards restructuring our Affairs for the following year! **

** 13th Oct 2006: I just read about the most surprising fact related to '1,000 months' in Surah Al Qadr. A thousand months is almost equal to 82 years - which is, in average cases, the normal life span of a human being. Wow, this means, that this ONE NIGHT is as good as our whole lives spent in Ibaadah! Subb-haanallah!

(2) According to the Tafseer of Al-Qummi, the destiny that is decided on this night includes the life and death of every person, his sustenance; the abundance of crops and famine; and everything good and bad in our lives. This means, Allah SWT determines in this night, each and every event to occur during the next year to any and all of His creations

(3) This night has received this High rank because the whole Qur’an was completely revealed onto the Heart of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) on this night. Another interpretation of the ‘complete revelation or descending of the Holy Qur’an’ in this night is that the Qur’an was revealed from the Baitul Ma’mur (House of Allah SWT up in the Heavens) or Lauhul Mahfooz onto a lower level of the Heavens (mostly mentioned as the 4th Heaven... both of these interpretations are referenced from Tafseer e Namuna – the Ideal Commentary of the Qur’an - written under the supervision of Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi)

(4) As the Qur'an is a book of destiny and leads to the path of happiness and guidance, for Man, it was the best decision of Allah SWT (ofcourse none can doubt the Wisdom of the Almighty SWT) to send down this complete and Holy book - the final message for Mankind - on the Night of Honour: the night of determining fates. What a nice connection there is between 'the Qur'an' and the Night of Honour! And how meaningful their relation with each other is!

Further, a wonderful incident to summarize the Blessings of this Divine night – once again, amongst the conversations that Prophet Musa (AS) shared with Allah Almighty (SWT):

Propher Musa (AS) addressed the Almighty (SWT) saying: “Oh Allah, I desire to be near to You!”
Allah SWT replied saying “Whoever desires nearness to Me is one who remains awake durig Laylatul Qadr, doing Ibaadah

Prophet Musa (AS) continued: “Oh Allah, I wish to earn Your Mercy!”
Allah SWT replied: “My Mercy is granted to anyone who is Merciful to the underprivileged during Laylatul Qadr

Prophet Musa (AS) further said: “Oh Allah, I wish to pass on the Right Path”
Allah SWT commanded: “This is granted to anyone who gives Sadaqa during Laylatul Qadr

Prophet Musa (AS) said: “Oh Allah, I wish to enjoy the trees and fruits of Jannah!” to which Allah SWT replied and said: “This is granted to anyone who Praises ME during Laylatul Qadr

Prophet Musa (AS) said: “Oh Allah, I wish to achieve salvation from the fire!”
Allah SWT replied: “This is granted to anyone who seeks forgiveness during Laylatul Qadr

Prophet Musa (AS) concluded his pleas, and said: “Oh Allah, I wish to achieve Your pleasure!”
Allah SWT replied and said: ”I shall be pleased with anyone who prays two Mustahab raka’ats Salaa during Laylatul Qadr

Subb-haanallah; such is the status of this Great Night of Honor; everything we want to make ourselves successful in this life and the Hereafter, can be achieved in this one Night.

No wonder it is found in the Hadith of our Ma’sumeen (AS) that

“The first ten days of Ramadan are of the Mercy of Allah; the next ten days of the Forgiveness of Allah; and the last ten days are those in which we attain Freedom from sins and hellfire”

Indeed, because the Blessed night of Qadr has been hidden in one of the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan!

Let us make the best out of the Blessed nights coming our way - that destine our lives for the following year Inshallah.

Once again, let us not forget our Marhumeen (our dear ones who are no more a part of this Physical world) and who are mohtaaj (dependant) on our prayers for them; and the Oppressed all around the World.

‘Ajrukumullah khairan katheeran – Inshallah
(May Allah SWT grant you that best of His rewards for your Ibaadaat, Inshallah!)

Mohtaaj e Du’a
Sadaf Zahra

To read more on the virtues of the Night of Qadr, visit my msn space blog on:


Blogger Ambreen M Ahmed said...

Jazak Allah Sadaf for sharing the virtues of Layatul Qadr with us ...

8:33 PM  
Blogger Floo said...

wow ... thats was an awesome post!
we did the conversation between Prophet Musa & Allah (SWT) in class last week.

4:03 PM  
Blogger *s...z* said...

jazaakallah khair;
the more the comments, the more i get encouraged to write my thoughts out :)
and its gives me more reason to explore new aspects of things we do ritually as part of our lives for yearssss.....

all in all, feels great to be read :) cuz gives ME a reason to read and learn too!

du'as galore! S x Zahra

4:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jazakullah! sadaf your research has really made us feel the real importance of this night and that we shouldn't waste a moment of it as it truly defines our destiny.please remember us in your duas.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it waz awesome dude.u had rocked it!! gr8 information.Masshaallah,
i wish u all da best for more info u r on..
Best of luck

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam, nice post, keep them coming :)

3:27 AM  
Blogger Floo said...

Sadaf Aapa, aap to chagaye ... those activity classes we soo much fun!

3:45 AM  
Blogger *s...z* said...

Sadaf Aapa, aap to chagaye ... blushing :) glad u had fun; and hope that i was able to do justice in giving you all interesting information related to du'as, ramadhan and laylatul qadr.
rem me in du'as!

3:58 AM  
Blogger Provoking Thoughts said...

Dear Sadaf

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and encouraging all of us to commit ourselves with a deeper sense of gratitude to our Creator tonight.

This night will be indeed more brighter with the light and its importannce, that you have reminded us of.
You will certainly be remembered in our dua's.

Jazaak Allah Khair


3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sadaf, Thx for sending such an excellent info abt Qadr.
i m soooooo thankful to u. God bless u

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work, Mashallah!
keep in touch
love loads

1:33 PM  

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