Sunday, October 15, 2006

1,000 reasons to wonder..(Part 3)

Finally, tomorrow we will be in the midst of the night which might most possibly be THE night that is 'better than a 1,000 months'. **
** 16th October 2006: Another unique reference I came across:
Which is the night of destiny? 19, 21, 23?
19th: Writing the destiny
21st: Its confirmation
23rd: Its approval
Imam Abu Ja'fer Muhammad ibn Ali-al- Baqir (as) is quoted in Bihar al-Anwar and Da'aim al-Islam as having said, "The 17th night of the month of Ramadan is when the two parties met, and the 19th is when the lists of the pilgrims is written down, and the 21st is when successors to the Prophets passed away and Jesus Christ (as) was raised to heaven and Moses (as) passed away, whereas the 23rd is hoped to be Lailatul-Qadr."
In Ahadith, we find that our Holy Ma'sumeen (AS) have indicated that the 23rd of Ramadhan is most likely the Night of Qadr, and hence - along with the regular 'aamaals (that I have briefly mentioned in Part 2 of my weblog entries on '1,000 reasons to wonder why..'), there are additional Du'as which are recommended to be done on this night.
With the concluding notes I have compiled below, I hope to shed some more light on the sentiments with which we should be performing the 'aamaals of Laylatul Qadr on the 23rd night of Ramadhan. Let us, Inshallah make the most out of this Holy night - by performing these remaining 'Aamaals in the best and most acceptable manner (Aameen).


It is crucial for us to understand the importance of reciting this Du'a on this particular night, when we are surely gaining maghfirat of our Sins - and starting off anew, with our fates being re-written for the next year.

This is the 20th Supplication in the collection of Du'as written and taught by Imam Zaynul Abedin (AS) - compiled in the book Saheefa e Sajjadiya (The Psalms of Islam). 'Makaarimul Akhlaq' literally means NOBLE TRAITS.

If we study the translation of this du'a, we will realize how beautifully Imam Zaynul Abedin (AS) has taught us to beseech help from Allah (SWT) on this night to help us become better in our conduct and our manners; to truly be able to reflect the character of a Good Muslim.

We often become materialistic knowing Allah (SWT) has blessed us acceptance of Haajaat in great nights like Qadr, Shab-e-Baraat (15th Sha'baan), etc - and we fail to ask for what is most needed at such points: our Spiritual Rejuvination.

We thus need to sit and ponder on how much we need to change ourselves, and further, need the help and guidance of Allah (SWT) in not only forgiving our sins, but granting us the will power, the strength and the opportunities to change ourselves for the better.

This Du'a has been framed with the best of Noble traits that Allah (SWT) would like to see in us as Good Muslims...and what better means of acceptance of our du'a, than a du'a written by Sayyadush Saajideen (The Best of Worshippers: Imam Zaynul Abedin AS)!

Let us recite this Du'a with the firm intention of changing ourselves for the very better, and beseeching Allah's help in letting us do so - Inshallah! (text, audio and translation available on:

My personal favorite excerpt from this du'a is as follows:
"God,bless Muhammad and his Household,adorn me with the adornment of the righteous, and clothe me in the ornaments of the god fearing, through spreading justice, restraining rage, quenching the flame of hate, bringing together the people of separation, correcting discord, spreading about good behaviour, covering faults, mildness of temper, lowering the wing, beauty of conduct, gravity of bearing, agreeableness in comportment, precedence in reaching excellence, preferring bounteousness, refraining from condemnation, bestowing bounty on the undeserving, speaking the truth, though it be painful, making little of the good in my words and deeds, though it be much, and making much of the evil in my words and deeds, though it be little! Perfect this for me throughlasting obedience, holding fast to the community, and rejecting the people of innovationand those who act in accordance with original opinions! "


This is the 31st Supplication in the collection of Du'as written and taught by Imam Zaynul Abedin (AS)- compiled in the book Saheefa e Sajjadiya (The Psalms of Islam).

Once again, since this night is that powerful night when our affairs for the following year will be re-written, it is very important for us to clear our Book of Deeds with the burden of Sins we are carrying with us for years. We need to further realize that often, the acceptance of our Du'as, 'Aamaals and Haajaats are usually hindered because of our sins. Therefore, it is highly important for us to repent sincerely, and gain the Mercy of Allah (SWT) in the form of His Maghfirat (forgiveness).

Having realized that Allah (SWT) has blessed us with the chance with a night through out which, He will only shower His Best Blessings, and Endless Divine Mercy till the breaking of Dawn("Salaam, hiya hatta matla'-il fajr" - Peace will prevail till the breaking of Dawn - Surah Al Qadr, Verse 5) let us not waste this 'once-in-a-year' opportunity to beseech maghfirat for all our sins!

Du'a e Tauba, which literally means the Supplication for REPENTANCE, (text, translation, audio and transliteration available on: has been written in the most perfect manner; with an expression of extreme guilt on all our sins, a desperate plea for forgiveness and a firm promise of not angering Allah (SWT) further with our sins.

But once again, the effectiveness of this Du'a, and the promised Forgiveness of our sins is all based on how devotedly we recite this supplication. Inshallah, should we be able to ponder on this Du'a thoroughly, and apply it to ourselves, may we get up from our prayer mats, cleansed of all our sins - even if they were the amount of the stars in the universe.

My personal favorite excerpt in this du'a is as follows:
"I repent to Thee from everything opposed to Thy will; or far from Thy love- the thoughts of my heart, the glances of my eye, the tales of my tongue -with a repentance through which each bodily part will by itself stay safe from ill consequences with Thee and remain secure from Thy painful penalties feared by transgressors!"


The name 'Jaushan' literally means "CHAIN ARMOR"- and there exist two versions of this du'a - a bridged (sagheer) and an unabridged version (kabeer). Amongst the many supplications that will help re-shape our future on the Blessed night of Qadr, Jaushan e Kabeer is highly recommended to be recited.

After reading the notes on this Du'a - compiled below - you will definitely be able to understand the importance of such a powerful Du'a to be recited to secure ourselves from all calamities and evils, especially on a night when our Fates are being re-written.

The following narration of the understanding and power of this Du'a has been written by Sheikh Saleem Bhimji on

It has been mentioned in the book, Balad al-Am¢n and the Misbah of Kafaami that Imam Zaynul Abedin (AS) related from his father, from his grandfather the Prophet of Allah (SAWW) that this supplication was taught by the Angel Jibraeel (AS) to the Holy Prophet (SAWW) during one of the battles.

It was in one of the wars that the Prophet (SAWW) had taken part in which he had a very heavy and expensive coat of armor on to protect himself. It is related that the coat was so heavy that it was hurting the body of the Prophet (SAWW). In this state, the Angel Jibraeel (AS) came to the Prophet (SAWW) and said:
“O’ Muhammad! Your Lord conveys his salutations to you and has said to take this coat of armor (Jawshan) and to recite it as this is a protection for you and your Ummah.”

At this point, the Angel continued to give the Prophet (SAWW) an explanation on the greatness of this supplication. However it suffices us to state that whoever reads this supplication with a pure intention in the BEGINNING of the month of Ramadhan, Allah (SWT) will grant him sustenance on the Night of Power and will create for this person 70,000 Angels who will all be busy in the praising and glorification of Allah (SWT) and will give this reward to the person who has read this supplication.

With this said, we see the greatness of the recitation of this supplication. In addition, it is mentioned that whoever reads this supplication three times during the month of Ramadhan, Allah (SWT) will make the hell-fire forbidden on him and would make it obligatory for that person to go into Paradise.

For such a person, Allah (SWT) will also appoint two Angels to protect that person from all evils (in this world) and he would be in the protection of Allah (SWT) for as long as he is alive.

This supplication has 100 sections and each section contains 10 names of Allah (SWT) and at the end of each section this line should be repeated: SUBB HAANAKA YA LAA ILAHA ILLA ANTAL GHAUTH AL GHAUTH, KHALLISNA MINANNAARI YA RABB (Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Help & Aid, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!)

(Text, translation, transliteration and audio of this du'a is available on


This is the 29th Surah in the Holy Qur'an and was revealed at a time when the people of Makkah were being emotionally blackmailed by their family and friends, to abandon the Holy Prophet (SAWW) and his mission. At this point, Allah (SWT) revealed this Surah as guidance, indicating how the Prophets in previous times faced opposition and how those who abandoned them were punished with Adhaab (punishment).

Similarly, Allah (SWT) mentions in this Surah, the rewards of those who are patient and forbearing - strong believers, as opposed to those who have 'web-like' faith: frail and easily shooken by circumstances.

This Surah is highly recommended for us to recite during Laylatul Qadr, to strengthen our FAITH - and we should thus ponder over the message it has for us..

Ask yourself at this point: What sort a faith do I possess? Am I like those who have web-like frail faith, who easily lose faith in the Mercy and Wisdom of Allah (SWT)? Isn't it an act of Thanklessness, and lack of trust in Allah (SWT) when I complain of the trials that I face?

Promise yourself at this point: I have to stick by the Truth, no matter what; and I have to be patient in trials and tribulations that come in the way of Truth, because Allah (SWT) will help me through it. After all, He is the Most-Wise; and the Best of Planners.

Having done so, we will surely be content with what Allah (SWT) will have planned for us for the following year, Inshallah.

This is the 30th Surah in the Holy Qur'an and was revealed at such a time when the Romans were being harassed and defeated by the Persian Fire-Worshippers (in the Christian world); and similarly, the Muslims were being harassed and defeated by the Idol-Worshippers of Makkah during the early years of the Prophethood of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW).

This Surah was a revelation, predicting a time when the Romans - who too believed in One God, and the message of His Prophet (Isa AS) - would be victorious, and that will be exactly the same time when the Muslims too will rejoice victory over the Idol worshippers of Makkah.

These victories, as declared by Allah (SWT) - looked very unlikely in 'real terms' - and thus gave the Quraysh a reason to mock the Holy Prophet (SAWW) saying that he is not a Prophet of Allah (SWT) and the message he has with him is nothing but fake ideology (nauzubillah).

But after 8 to 9 years of the revelation of the ayahs that mentioned the victory of the Romans and the Muslims, miraculously it so happened! This was the time when the Romans gained miraculous victory over the Persians and the Muslims gained victory over the Idol-worshipping Quraysh in the Battle of Badr.

And why should we ponder over this Surah on this very night? But ofourse, to realise the POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWT) - none but Him is the Best Planner of All Affairs. He can make the impossible happen - but at the time He deems wise.

Once again, this Surah gives us a chance to make a firm promise to have complete faith and reliance (tawakkul) on Allah (SWT) and believe in His qudrat. He has power over everything, and on this Holy and Blessed night, He can write for us things we can not imagine even by far!

Subb-haanallah! May we achieve the best of spiritual strength from the recitation and the reflections of these beautiful jewels in the Qur'an - Inshallah!


This is the 44th Surah in the Holy Qur'an and was revealed at such a time Makkans were troubling the Holy Prophet (SAWW) so much that he chose to pray for a Famine on them as an Adhaab (punishment) from the Almighty (SWT). The reason behind doing so was, so that people would turn to have faith in Allah (SWT) and His Signs, as a result of being afflicted by a calamity as severe as a famine. Eventually, most of the people did accept that Prophet Mohammad (SAWW) was a prophet of Allah (SWT) and beseeched for him to pray back for the calamity to be removed.

This Surah was revealed as a response from Allah (SWT) after He accepted the prayer of the Prophet (SAWW) when he was requested by the Makkans to pray to Allah (SWT) for relief from the calamity of the unbearable famine.

Thus the message of Allah (SWT) declared the doom of those who refute His Messenger, and His Message (this doom being signified by the title of the Surah: SMOKE). Additionally, the Surah also emphasizes on the rewards of the successful Believers; and a warning that "the Qur'an has been revealed in a simple language so that you may understand it; yet if you fail to understand it and insist on seeing an evil end, then you may wait; Our Prophet too is waiting. Whatever is to happen will happen at its own appointed time"

At this point, we need to ponder on ourselves as Muslims; are we amongst those who refute the Message of Allah (SWT) for our casual materialistic desires? And remember Allah (SWT) and call out for His help only when we are hopeless and distressed?

Alas, we need to realize that the calamities that come upon us are as a result of the Sins we commit. Thus, reciting this Surah and reflecting upon it on the night of Qadr, let us promise ourselves to strengthen our Faiths such that we repel the calamities coming our way - by means of our Taqwa (our alertness to avoid sinning, and keep away from things that deprive us from the Mercy of Allah SWT)

Having done so, why wouldn't the Almighty (SWT) watch out for us and write the Best for us in our Fates? After all, everything done, prayed and reflected upon in this Night, will only re-make our future for us.


Inshallah, may we all be able to achieve the best out of the Blessed nights of Qadr. For basic reading material and access to more 'aamaals of Shab-e-Qadr, you can choose to visit the following links: and

I end here, with a humble request to remember all Mo'mineen in Du'as, all those distressed, all those who have gone astray from the Right path, and all those who have departed this world;

Inshallah, may all our 'aamaals be accepted..ILAAHI AAMEEN

Mohtaaj-e-Du'a, Sadaf Zahra

1,000 reasons to wonder..(Part 2)

Everytime I publish something here, I feel - "Oh god! I missed out on some more I couldve shared on the same topic"
Subb-haanallah, Islam is soooo full of facts and reasons; if we take time to research, we will find a priceless and endless jewels!

Well, continuing from where I last left off - in the previous entry I only mentioned the adhmat (greatness) of the Night of Qadr. Having understood how important this night is, I wanted to further share a little about the A'amaals of Qadr and the actual sentiments we should perform them with. By this I mean, mentioning the reasons behind the 'aamaals of Shab e Qadr, and what impact they have on our fates being re-written for the following year, Inshallah..

While I was researching on the material for this topic, I was overwhelmed thinking - did I really achieve anything out of the 'aamaals i have performed all these years of my life?? Well, Inshallah I hope we can achieve the best out of the Laylatul Qadr 'amaals this year, and have the best written for us in our fates for the coming years (Aameen)

I should mention here, that I was inspired to write-up this entry by reading through alot of material online, as well as listening to two excellent lectures I found online, by Sheikh Murtaza Alidina and Sheikh Muslim Bhanji based on the Nights of Qadr & their 'Aamaals. Thus, I was able to compile what is below:

Amongst the many aamaals performed in these nights, the main ones, especially for the 23rd night are as follows:

(1) Performing Ghusl - physically AND SPIRITUALLY: It is highly recommended to perform Ghusl on Laylatul Qadr. However, to achieve more of Allah's pleasure, lets do it this time, not only with the intention of physically cleaning ourselves, but also with the niyyat of starting our Spiritual cleansing from this point onwards. Here, we need to build courage to face Allah (SWT) with our book of deeds, heavy with sins - but with the readiness to repent and correct our past mistakes.
(2) Mustahab Salaat of 2 rak'aats: After having cleansed ourselves spiritually - by getting ourselves mentally prepared to face the Almighty Lord (SWT), with the hope of forgiveness of Sins, and the will power to change ourselves for the better - we stand infront of him and perform a 2 raka'at Salaat.
In each raka'at, we recite Surah Al Hamd, praising the Almighty (SWT) - the Lord of the Universe; and seven times, reiterate the One and Only Lord we turn to, and believe in - by reciting Surah Al Ikhlaas (7 times). This Salaat of ours is an act of devotion, which should further reinforce in us, feelings of dependance on Allah (SWT) for all our affairs, not only in this night, but every day and night - Inshallah
(3) 70 times Istaghfaar: When doing istighfaar (dhikr of repentance: Astaghfirullaha wa atuboo ilaih meaning I ask for Your Forgiveness Oh Allah, and I turn to You!), we should make sure we achieve the most by:
(a) Acknowledging atleast 70 sins we commit
(b) Feeling guilty for committing those sins
(c) Fixing our past, by asking for sincere forgiveness
(d) Fixing our future, by promising to not commit that sin ever again
Hence, your tasbeeh of Istighfaar would not only be an act of repentance, but also a promise to the Almighty (SWT) that you will not commit the things you have previously done to displease Him.
(4) Performing the 'Qur'an Aamaals': When we perform these 'aamaals, we should pay special attention to what we are reciting.
In the first part of the 'aamaals, we hold the Qur'an in our hands and acknowledge the greatness of the Book of Allah (SWT) - the Divine message, the COMPLETE message; the WORD OF ALLAH in OUR hands - the hands of sinners!
Ask yourself at that point: Am I really deserving to hold this Miraculous Book of Allah??? Alas, I have not even taken time out to read and ponder on what it unfolds for me..I have just made it the zeenat (beauty) of my Prayer room / my Azaa khaana; and I make strenuous efforts to complete its recitation during the month of Ramadhan every year.
Promise yourself at that point: I am not going to use this Book of Allah (SWT) solely to beseech my Haajaats in this Holy night - because it has power to do alot more! It has the message that will guide me to change my fate every day and night - and Inshallah, I will do justice to it by not only studying it, but truly following it too...(Inshallah)
The second part of the Qur'an 'aamaals require us to hold this Holy book on our Heads; and give the waseela of the 14 ma'sumeen (AS) to beseech our Haajaat.
Realise at this point: The power of what you are holding above of you!
"Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would certainly have seen it falling down, splitting asunder because of the fear of Allah" (Surah Al Hashr - Ayah 21)
Do we even realize the strength of the mo'jiza we so casually hold above our heads at this point?
Do we even know the completeness in this source of Guidance we hold ahead of us?
Think, you call out to the Ma'sumeen (AS) as your waseela, pray to them to help you understand the gravity of the Holy Book you hold in your hand; and realise the important part it will play in shaping your destiny in this World and the Hereafter...
Also realize that you are holding the Qur'an on your heads; basically you are having your fate re-written on this great night, under the shade of this Holy Qur'an; Inshallah, you should have faith and tawakkul in the Almighty (SWT) that your loyalty towards the message of His Holy Book - will prove loyalty towards you as protection from all evils and calamities for the following year - Inshallah.
Promise yourself at that point: This Book that I hold in my hand, and on my head - I will keep this Holy Book and Message of Allah (SWT) ahead of me in all the things I do in my life. This Qur'an, will precede my thoughts and actions - so that I can gain true perfection, and the true Guidance that Allah (SWT) had planned for me - Inshallah!
Coming up in: (Part 3) 1,000 reasons to wonder...
Why should we perform the following on Shab e Qadr:
Du'a e Makaarimul Akhlaq
Du'a e Tauba
Du'a e Jaushan e Kabeer
Surahs Ankaboot, Ruum and Dukhaan
Iltemase du'a - Sadaf Zahra