Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tafseer al Namunah - in English

For all those interested to deepen their knowledge about the Qur'an and its true message, this will be great guidance as well as reference material.

Please bookmark the follolwing; it contains the Tafseer al Namunah in English available in 6 volumes covering Surahs from Surah Al Dahar up till Surah an Naas (surahs 76 to 114), and Surah Al Fatiha to Surah Al Maaeda (Surahs 1 to 5)

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 1
Surah Ad Dahar till Surah Al Ghaashiyah (Surah # 76 to 88)

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 2
Surah Al Fajar to Surah An Naas (Surah# 89 to 114 )

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 3
Surahs Al Fatiha to Surah Al Baqarah verse 154

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 4
Surah Al Baqarah verses 155 to 252

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 5
Surah Al Baqarah verses 253 to 286
Surah Aale Imran
Surah An Nissa verse 1 to 23

An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an
Vol 6
Surah An Nissa verses 24 to 176
Surah Al Maaeda verses 1 to 86

Sadaf Z.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Resolution time - yet again..

With the Gregorian New yr having started just 2 weeks back, we're looking into the new Islamic new year coming up round about, end of this week. Hence, if you didn't get about drawing up your resolutions 2 weeks back, guess what - here's a better time to draw them up and stick to them with a 2 1/2 months probation period to get you all geared up.

Last year, at this time, I had posted up the following entry on my Msn Space, and I'm thinking the same yet again. So here goes.. putting it down here.

January 31, 2006
Thinking aloud -on the "Islamic new year"

Alhamdulillah, we are amongst the Believing Clan of Muslims - who don't abuse ourselves on our supposed New year's eve - partying, getting drunk and just wasting ourselves.. and to think of those who actually do - seems silly.. What's there to get drunk and party on the advent of another new year?

Isn't it the right time to actually thank the Almighty (S) for letting a year pass by with us, alive & sane (lol) - hopefully!
And for us Muslims, every extra day in our lives is an extra chance given to repent for our sins. So this is yet another perfect chance - because the Holy and Blessed month of Muharram is here.. Let us pray to the Almighty (S) to cleanse us of our sins by accepting our Azaadari - and let the Azaadari awaken the spirit of Truth and Righteousness in each one of us - Inshallah (Ilaahi Aameen)

You can find here, an amal to be done on the 1st eve / day of the New Islamic year (i.e. last night of Dhul-'Hijjah). (Click on image to get an enlarged view of the 'amal)
If we ponder on the translation of the Du'a, it will help train us to repent for our sins, beseech the best of Allah's Blessings for the following year, and build more trust and closeness to Allah (S).
Nothing better to start off the new year, don't you think?
Remember me in your du'as.. signing off, Sadaf zahra