Hold your horses - the Blow-out offer's not over yet!
As we advance towards 'much-awaited' Eid, let's not forget that tonight or tomorrow night might just be the last night of the Super Blow-out, month-long Sale of Allah's Divine Mercy!
Any regular 'end-of-season sale' at Debenhams, GAP, Old Navy or NEXT - would mean only the left-over stock being available to shop from - especially more, in the last few days..You know, where we go and check out the stuff and just buy it off, consoling yourselves and saying: 'Beggars can't be Choosers'...'something's better than nothing!', etc etc
But what we have tonight and tomorrow is guaranteed to be buying off from only the BEST because there is no end to Allah's Bounties and Blessings - this Blow-out sale is one of its kind: up to date, latest trends, and the best deals on offer! Subb-haanallah...
After a whole month of special offers and super-savers (Ramadhan), our Almighty Lord still has these very same offers available for us on the Last night of Ramadhan. So for all those of us who didn't avail the best from the Month, and didn't seek the best of Forgiveness; the best of all Goodness of the Month; the most of your Legitimate pleas; then this is definitely your ultimate chance till next year **
** It is stated in traditions that the night of 'Eid is not of less importance then the night of Shab-e-Qadr.
So, why waste such a great night in the beauty parlors, the market place doing your last-minute shoppings, 'Eid mela's (festivals), etc etc.... - when the best to shop for is in the privacy of your homes; where the outlet has an Endless Stock at the best deals, but only limited for this one night till the coming of Ramadhan next year...
Make the most of your 'Eid night, by remembrance of Allah (SWT) and in thanksgiving to Him, for having provided us more than we asked for, and written the best for us for the following year. Lets also take out time, and do istighfaar in abundance - since it will only be multiplied for the value of 70 counts of repentance till tonight....
It's now time to form Firm and Permanent Resolutions. Lets not be a hypocrite and let go of the wonderful traits we adopted for Ramadhan - it's time to put them to practice from now on..Inshallah
Lets not keep the Qur'an back in the bookshelves - letting dust gather on it till next Ramadhan. Lets instead make it a part of our lives, everyday for every little thing we do, Inshallah..
Let not the habit of going to Mosque regularly and offering Salaat in Jama'at be something limited to Fridays or Special occasions like 'Eid. Lets be more loyal to the spirit of Unity & Pleasing Allah (SWT) - the same spirit we had throughout Ramadhan - and continue with it as part of our lives from now on, Inshallah.
After having done so, we can rightfully wish each other 'Eid Mubaarak' - because ofcourse, 'Eid is a celebration of our Ibaadat (worship) and 'aamaals being accepted by Allah (SWT). So let's not waste the last opportunity to seal our Ibaadat of Ramadhan with the best on this night - Inshallah.
30th Night of Ramadhan & 'Eid night 'aamaals can be found on:
Keep me in your prayers!
Sadaf Zahra