Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Ya ayyuhann naas!"

Alhamdulillah (Thanks to Allah SWT), who always enlightens me at a point when I am seeking a particular solution, and He sends my way an answer to a million un-asked questions..

Subb-haanallah! Indeed, none other than Him is the Knower of the state of our Hearts and Minds!

I was researching Ahadith on the Adhmat of reciting the Qur'an as I will soon be addressing young, 8 to 10 year old girls at a Qur'an Khatam (aameen) for 5 minutes; so I was looking for things I can probably relate to them to make them realise what a great thing it is, not only to finish reciting the Qur'an, but even realising what it contains and how it can help us being a User's Manual for every Muslim - being the most appropriate and practical Code of life, Inshallah..

So anyways, I came across this wonderful Hadith of Imam Ali (AS), which I cannot help but share, because really, sometimes for us, the value of this Holy Book only arises 'seasonally', to recite in Ramadhan or when asked to recite for Qur'an khwani, etc etc.
It is just sad to know how sometimes we just under-estimate the power of the Holy Qur'an!

قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ مِائَةَ آيَةٍ مِنَ الْقُرآنِ مِنْ أَيِّ الْقُرآنَ شاءَ ثُمَّ قالَ سَبْعَ مَرّاتٍ: ((يا أَللّهُ)) فَلَوْ دَعا عَلـى الْصَخْرَةِ لَقَلَعَها إِنْشاءَ اللّهُ.
Amirul Mo'minin 'Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said:
"A person who recites 100 verses from anywhere in the Qur'an and then says: 'Ya Allah' seven times, even if he wanted to remove a huge boulder (from the ground), he would be able to do so with the permission of Allah." Thawabul A'mal, Page 233

Subb-haanallah... really!
In times of difficulties, we look for help here and there, everywhere, when the solution for everything is right under our noses! We don't realise or appreciate how practical Islam, and all its elements are! They pertain to every time, every age and every possible situation!
We so easily question why Allah SWT keeps addressing the same things a hundred times in hundred different surahs and verses in the Holy Qur'an! Alas! We humans are always in need of constant reminders.... and yet, we fail to retain!

"Ya Ayyuhan Naas!" Remember me in du'as! Sadaf Zahra

Sunday, October 29, 2006

To plan, or not to plan - is the question..

I was just pondering on the different approaches in the ways we plan our lives and the degrees in which we expect the outcomes. The way we plan and accept the outcomes infact tells how successful and content we have truly been, in handling all the things that come our way.

So where do we fit in? I have a grading scale next to each type (and I hope we can just be honest with ourselves to see where we fit, and how we can probably work towards getting a better score in life!)

The totally useless planner: (0 out of 5)
This person does everything unplanned. Why? because he supposedly leaves every little thing to Allah SWT - despite the free will Allah has given him to make his own choices and decisions within the boundaries of shari'ah.

(1 out of 5 for the useless planner who atleast admits he feels hungry for his own desire of hunger and not because Allah planned for him to be hungry at that point!!!)

I fail to understand how such people can be considered 'Ashraful Makhlooqaat' (the Best of Allah's creations) when they don't even use their abilities to achieve the least out of their lives - I mean, a life without goals and purpose..and so easily putting the blame on Allah, saying theyre 'totally dependant' and rely on everything Allah SWT has planned for them.
(Szahra nods head in disbelief...)

The Perfectionist: (2 out of 5)
Geez, and we would think a perfectionist plans his work right to the core - as perfectly and flawlessly as possible...why would Szahra grade him a 2 out of 5?

Well, no grudges about the perfectionist, really. There's nothing more wonderful about them that they are so organized and calculative about everything. They have their homework always done, and no one could possible do the best out of a scheduled situation than them.So that's what the 2 out of 5 is for..

...and as for the gap in the grade - the minus 3 is for those who fall in the category of denial, when things don't work out as planned. The anger, frustration, denial, disappointment, disapproval, etc - all are signs that we have forgotten - or failed to accept - that we might be running the Show, but the outcome of the show is in the hands of Allah (SWT).

For all of us in this category, I would suggest to pacify yourself with what I usually tell myself:
"I have recognized My Lord with the failures in the outcome of my plannings" - Imam Ali (AS)
This just serves as a quick reminder for us of the Presence, Planning and Reliance on Allah SWT - and might just give us contentment, rather than demotivating us from trying hard the next time.

However. if you're a perfectionist who is flexible enough to take failure with a smile, then you're not really categorized under this one; go on to the next ones, and you will surely know where you fit.

The Hesitant planner: (3 out of 5)
This person moderately plans (to stay on the safe side) - and has the ability to do sooo much more, but is just plain scared of failure. For this person, any one would agree to says that "to have tried is the biggest success for ourselves, regardless of whether we achieved success infront of the World or not.."

So, all that's needed here is courage, a big heart and trust in Allah SWT, and we'll do just fine! :)

The Good planner: (4 out of 5)
(.......or maybe a grace 1/4 mark if ure really really good)

He plans very wisely - like the Perfectionist; and relies on Allah (SWT) on the outcome of what he performed - like the totally useless planner.

He loses his one mark because, there MIGHT be that one moment in him, where he gets disappointed in his failure; but the very next second, he realises that is being ungrateful to Allah (SWT) and questioning His Wisdom; apologizes, and takes his failure with a 'genuine' smile.

This person gets the highest score because he really looks at the better things in what he has achieved - than what 'he could have achieved'.. because he has truely relied on the Wisdom of Allah (SWT) and accepted that He is the Best of Planners.. Subb-haanallah

"And if you're asking for a 5 on 5 ......tsk!!. ure so human..never happy in what you get huh?"
(szahra, with a wicked smile)
A grade of (5 out of 5) is for him who is on that stage of having 'Rizaa'; all those mentioned above, are different stages of 'Tawakkul' on Allah SWT.To read a great informative piece on this topic, visit
May we allll be able to achieve high scores in this Life and Hereafter, Inshallah!
S x Zahra